Monday, June 9, 2008

The Pass to Mendoza 6

Friday 30th

We rise in the school and make our best efforts to appear sober as we are introduced to classes of primary school children, curious to learn about foreign cyclists. After rousing coruses of "Happy Birthday" in Spanish, English and Portugeuse we leave for a tour of the town courtesy of Max. We leave Emilio with blood red eyes propping up a wall as he struggles to recover from lack of sleep.

Polvaredas has relics of British Empire in the form of old train tracks, engines and station.

At 2400m the town has a crisp icy remote feel as we gaze down the steep canyon and up at forbidding mountain peaks...

When we finally leave it´s an emotional wrench and we promise to write and spread the word to other cyclists about the place. Max and Emilio - you are just fabulous human beings. Love you guys...

I´m tempted to say this is the best days ride of the tour so far... It´s all downhill, the skies and air are pure and there is scenery to die for. There are no words, just beautiful pictures....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soooooooooo nice!!!
We tell you, we already miss our bikes!!!!!!!!!
Take care and looking forward to many, many more wonderful pictures and stories!!!!!!
Yours Jose & ULLI