Sunday, July 6, 2008

To Bolivia - 3

Wednesday 25th

Awakening, we await the sun.

Michael makes more bike repairs as Dani looks on. Spokes mysteriously break during the night...

And the days ride starts with a punishing climb. We rise 350m in the first 2kms of the day. Gruelling! This is not a good way to warm the legs up...

But the view back down the valley shows our progress as coaches crawl laboriously up...

The sun finally brings some heat to the day and the gradient levels off to a more manageable incline. We ride...


Before slowing for more steeps approaching Maimara...

Maimara perched against colourful rock waves....

Tilcara - a new build town of cookie cutter similar block houses set in a mountain paradise...

And I cross the Tropic of Capricorn - latitude 23 degrees 26 minutes and a world away from Ushuaia at 54 degrees 48 minutes. 30 degrees difference is one sixth of the planet!!

We climb another 900m and camp in a stand of thorn trees.

The sun sets....